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Thoracic Surgery Observership Program
About This Program
Thank you for your interest in our general surgery program. We can offer you a one or two months observership.
We also do not offer observerships during the months from June through August.
Please note that this observership is a no-patient contact or computer access program. It is strictly an observership. Once completed, you will receive a certificate of observership complication. The observership consists of observing a surgeon who accepts your request in the operating room, maybe during office hours and clinic, and attending our Friday Dept. conference. Our institute performed nearly 4000 thoracic surgery operations per year.
Our patient's safety is our priority. Please keep in mind that every surgeon may have their own schedule they may want you to follow, and depending on the case, you may not be able to view the entire procedure in the operating room. You are required to bring your white lab coat/jacket, which must be worn in the hospital at all times except when you are in the operating room, where you are required to wear the hospital OR scrubs.
During patient rounds, your position is only to observe, with no patient contact. This means no shaking hands with patients or their families, standing behind the team while observing patient rounds, and asking questions at appropriate times.
If you are interested, please sign the form below and send me your CV, a letter of recommendation from your Chairman, and a copy of your passport. Once I receive all forms, I will send you the list of surgeons to contact for observership approval.
If you receive approval, please forward it to me, and I will send you the proper registration forms, which require a background check and completion of the visitor's form. This process can take up to a week for approval – but is not guaranteed. We don't pay any salary for this program.
If you are interested,
please contact: Assoc. Prof. Celal BuÄŸra SEZEN–
Observership Program
Pre-Registration Form